Nextcloud with StorJ integration setup


What Is Storj?


Storj, pronounced as “storage,” is an open-source cloud storage platform. Basically, it uses a decentralized network of nodes to host user data. The platform also secures hosted data using advanced encryption.


For detail information's how it works view the StorJ homepage.


Nextcloud  and Storj is a perfect combination for highly secure S3 Data Cloud storage for high reliable and secure data storage.


This example shows a step by step manual to setup Nextloud and  Storj.


1. Register new user at Storj

2. Confirm your registration mail

3. Login and select server side encryption

4. go to Project and select Manage Projects

5. create new project

6.create new project

7. Go to Objects and write down/remember the pass frame !! very important do not lose it!!

8. create new bucket, name it e.g. "archive"

now you can upload files to your archive bucket with the browser

9. create new access grant (access menu)

Continue in Browser


Enter a passphrase and go to next

write down / copy and paste the API key for further use - IMPORTANT


continue with S3 Gateway Credentials do not use DONE!


generate your S3 gateway credentials


copy and paste the three items:


access key

secret key

end point


10. Go to your nexcloud server and add the config file "config.yaml"

nano /root/.local/share/storj/gateway/config.yaml
# the serialized access, or name of the access to use
access: copy here your API key

# Minio Access Key to use
minio.access-key: copy here your access key

# Minio Secret Key to use
minio.secret-key: copy here your secret key

The next step is to install the Gateway for your Nextcloud to the Storj S3. Some additional informations you can find in at the Storj forum:


Now you need to install the Gateway with the docker command:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p --mount type=bind,source=/root/.local/share/storj/gateway/,destination=/root/.local/share/storj/gateway/ --name gateway storjlabs/gateway:a53b280-v1.1.2-go1.13.8 run --server.address=":7777"
docker start gateway

11. Nextcloud setup to access Storj (S3) - external storage

open nextcloud and navigate to "settings -> External storages"

now you must add the following information's:

  1. Folder name: e.G. Nextcloud_archive
  2. Bucket: The Bucket name from your Sorj archive (in my case "nextcloud")
  3. Hostname: must be
  4. Port: 7777
  5. Region: The Address of the Satellite you are accessing (in my case ""), i get it from the Endpoint of the S3 Credentials
  6. Enable Path Style must be enabled
  7. Access Key: from S3 Credentials
  8. Secret Key: from S3 Credentials